“No hay que prohibir los móviles en el aula, sino incorporarlos a la enseñanza” – Educación – Noticias, última hora, vídeos y fotos de Educación en lainformacion.com

See on Scoop.itEduMálaga TIC

Contrariamente a lo que opina la mayor parte de los educadores, y a lo que se hace en la casi totalidad de los colegios, donde el uso del móvil está prohibido durante las clases, Lisa Nielsen cree que hay que permitirlo.

See on noticias.lainformacion.com


The Digital Curriculum Part 1… Textbook To Flexbook… Free, Open Source, Engaging!

See on Scoop.itEduMálaga TIC

«Everyone is talking about a digital curriculum free of those hard copy textbooks that have been a part of schooling since the advent of the one room schoolhouse. This is the first post in a series devoted to investigating resources that can open up a world of digital curricula. In the next post I will bring seven more amazing digital resources that just might replace what we know as the textbook….»

This article looks at the CK-12 Foudation, a non-profit organization who is helping to build open-content, web-based collaborative books. Currently most of their books are in the area of STEM but the goal is to encompass all subject K-12. Read this article to learn more about CK-12 and to find additional resources.

See on 21centuryedtech.wordpress.com
