Short stories for kids by Shakespeare

You can watch short stories by Shakespeare and do activities about them

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Charles Dickens. Clásicos universales

Projects about Charles Dickens by students of 3 ESO at IES Mediterráneo after the reading of «A Christmas Carol» (Burlington).


Charles Dickens by Antonio Olea

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Day of Peace. Gandhi Timeline

A timeline of Mahatma Gandhi events created by students of 4 ESO at IES Mediterráneo after the reading of «Gandhi» (Ed. Burlington).

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Reading. Short stories

You have here some texts on various interesting subjects. You can practise reading comprehension and at the same time you will certainly learn something new.


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Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival that is celebrated in the U.S. and Canada (among other countries). Historically, Thanksgiving was intended to give thanks to God, but more recently has become a more secular holiday. In the U.S., Thanksgiving is observed on the fourth Thursday in November (Canada celebrates it on the second Monday in October).

The following Thanksgiving pages will provide you with great activities and resources for this day of being thankful. Ideas within this section include: thematic units, easy craft ideas, bulletin boards, coloring sheets, and Internet resources.

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Violence against women, 25th November

Ending violence against women and girls is a top priority for achieving the UN’s founding mission of peace, development and human rights.

Here you can find pages, texts and activities about violence against women

Violence against women by Isabel Pérez

Worksheet: Gender violence

Violence against women. Amnesty International

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. United nations

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Halloween 2015

Ver en pantalla completa

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Booktrailers para celebrar el Día del Libro 2015

Alumnos de 2º de Bachillerato realizan booktrailers de sus libros favoritos como actividad de animación a la lectura para celebrar el Día del Libro 2015.


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Clásicos Escolares: «An Up-dated version of classical tales»

The Three Little Pigs

We start playing with traditional tales.

My students of Bachillerato have to imagine how the characters would be today, how the action would happen and what end would be more appropriate.

To begin, we have the tale of «The Three Little Pigs» fully adapted to the present moment, with economic crisis and bankers.

Spanish version



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eTwinning project «Visual approximation to European poetry»

School librarians and teachers from Italy, Portugal an Spain will work to promote reading with our pupils. The main objective is to develop reading culture in each school and the use of Spanish, involving different subjects and the school library. When we allow our pupils to collaborate with peers across Europe, we encourage them to explore their creative responses using multimedia, and enhance the feeling that reading for pleasure is worth celebrating. Pupils and staff will develop their ICT and literacy skills.


Comparison between the education system from Portugal, Italy and Spain

We make our cities visible

We are going to show our cities following a literary tour. Each school will work on its own city. The city will be used as field of investigation, and the students will be able to build their own representation of it to find new ways to involve in their city.


Influence of poetry in contemporary music

Throughout time we can find the same topics from classical poetry to contemporary music. We should focus more on the literary aspects of the letters of Spanish pop, where we can find recreation of cult literary models.

Cómplices, La Oreja de Van Gogh and Amaral pop groups are good examples where identifying troubadour, Petrarch, Renaissance and Baroque love poetry.

You can see a study on this topic at the following link


Student work on the poetry of the Renaissance and Baroque


Introduction to the Galician-Portuguese poetry in comic


Our project in the newspaper


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