eTwinning project «Visual approximation to European poetry»

School librarians and teachers from Italy, Portugal an Spain will work to promote reading with our pupils. The main objective is to develop reading culture in each school and the use of Spanish, involving different subjects and the school library. When we allow our pupils to collaborate with peers across Europe, we encourage them to explore their creative responses using multimedia, and enhance the feeling that reading for pleasure is worth celebrating. Pupils and staff will develop their ICT and literacy skills.


Comparison between the education system from Portugal, Italy and Spain

We make our cities visible

We are going to show our cities following a literary tour. Each school will work on its own city. The city will be used as field of investigation, and the students will be able to build their own representation of it to find new ways to involve in their city.


Influence of poetry in contemporary music

Throughout time we can find the same topics from classical poetry to contemporary music. We should focus more on the literary aspects of the letters of Spanish pop, where we can find recreation of cult literary models.

Cómplices, La Oreja de Van Gogh and Amaral pop groups are good examples where identifying troubadour, Petrarch, Renaissance and Baroque love poetry.

You can see a study on this topic at the following link


Student work on the poetry of the Renaissance and Baroque


Introduction to the Galician-Portuguese poetry in comic


Our project in the newspaper


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