Archivo del Autor: Rosa

Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs are very common in spoken English, but are quite tricky to learn. Watch our Fast phrasal comic-strip videos and then do the exercises below to really get your phrasal verbs under control.

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Celebrating Andalusia Day

Andalusia Day (28th February) is a regional holiday celebrated to commemorate the referendum for Andalucía to become an autonomous community within Spain, which was held on 28th February, 1980. My students of 1º ESO celebrate it with the video «We … Sigue leyendo

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Popular free Audiobooks

Free Public Domain Audiobooks & eBooks Download books for iPhone, Android, Kindle & mp3 players

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Celebrating the Day of Peace on twitter

The School Day of Peace and Non-Violence, founded in 1964 , is a pioneering initiative of Non-violent and Pacifying Education, which is now practised in schools all over the world and in which centres of education, teachers and students of … Sigue leyendo

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The process of writing in the classroom

How to get our elementary students motivated to write? It is important to bring some excitement to the process of writing. Article by Sue Leather, Freelance Trainer and Writer.

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Show me where you read

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Recommended reads

It is always enjoyable to share with others what we have, what we know and what gives us pleasure. We can also share our reflections on our favourite books.

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Introduce yourself

eTwinning project «Let’s read together» Students from IES Mediterráneo (Málaga, Spain) and Szkoła Europejska, Łódź (Poland) introduce themselves. CONTENTS: We intend our students exchange e-mails and information about themselves: names, age, family, hobbies, interests. OBJECTIVES: – To improve their communicative … Sigue leyendo

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eTwinning project: «Let’s read together»

Students from IES Mediterráneo (Málaga, Spain) and Szkoła Europejska (Poland) are going to work together in an eTwinning project about reading. We intend to promote reading culture in our schools, involving students and teachers. The aim is not only to … Sigue leyendo

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How to promote your favourite books

If you read English books, you can promote them in the same language. You could use the following video as a help to do it. «Kuentalibros» in English  

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