Archivo del Autor: Rosa

Clásicos Escolares. Romeo y Julieta en Twitter.

Los alumnos y profesores del IES Mediterráneo de Málaga participamos en el programa «Clásicos Escolares» propuesto por la Junta de Andalucía. Los objetivos del programa son: Acercar la lectura de los clásicos al alumnado. Presentar estrategias que permitan plantear actividades … Sigue leyendo

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Teaching Nelson Mandela

By now you’ve heard the news from South Africa that Nelson Mandela has died at age 95. The passing of Mandela—the symbol of the anti-apartheid movement, who served 27 years in prison before being elected his nation’s first black president—is … Sigue leyendo

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English Grammar in Pop Songs

It´s a fun way to test your knowledge of English grammar and listening skills.   t’s a fun way to test your knowledge of English grammar and English listening skills. Listed below are five video clips of some … Sigue leyendo

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Prepositions in, on, at

We’re going to explore how the prepositions AT, ON, and IN are used with TIME and PLACE. We’ll  use graphic organizers and a video lesson to teach this.

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Illustrate different poems

We intend our students read poems and create their own illustration of the poem. This activity integrates literature and the internet, which provides varied materials. «Let’s read together!» eTwinning project. Federico García Lorca y Rafael Alberti from ROSAYL

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Invent a story

Writing stories is an exciting and creative activity. The purpose of these activities is to entertain and help students become more involved in the stories that they read. The students from Poland and from Spain who participated in the eTwinning … Sigue leyendo

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Projects about the book «A Foreigner in Britain»

The students of 1º Bachillerato from IES Mediterráneo (Málaga) have read the book «A Foreigner in Britain» (Ed. Burlington). After the reading, I asked them to do a power point presentation about the cities that appear in the book. The … Sigue leyendo

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Visita al Puerto de Málaga en inglés

Los alumnos de 1º de ESO del IES Mediterráneo realizaron una visita escolar al Puerto de Málaga el día 11 de abril. Un monitor del «Aula del mar» fue realizando las explicaciones en inglés. Esta visita es importante para que … Sigue leyendo

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International Day of the Book

April 23 marks the anniversary of the birth or death of a range of well-known writers, including Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Maurice Druon, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Haldor Kiljan Laxness, Manuel Mejía Vallejo, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla and William … Sigue leyendo

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Change the end of fairy tales

Here you have the vision of ‘The Little Match Girl’ in Poland of the 21st century: THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL written by Agnieszka, Aleksandra, Alicja, Amir, Hubert, Jakub, Maksym, Michał, Mikołaj, Piotr It was terribly cold, it was snowing, and … Sigue leyendo

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